Mental health is essential to overall well-being, and approximately 20% of older adults experience some type of mental health concern. Depression and anxiety are the most prevalent, and older men have the highest suicide rate of any age group. While depression is not a normal part of aging, the Centers for Disease Control state that mental health issues are widely underdiagnosed in older adults and are often undertreated or untreated altogether.
The Prevention and Early Access for Seniors (PEAS) program is a mental health case management program that identifies adults 60+ in Solano County who are struggling to maintain a positive quality of life. The program provides intake, assessment, referral, brief and comprehensive case management, housing and transportation resources and other services aimed at improving quality of life. It also conducts education and outreach activities for both professionals and the community, focusing on universal prevention strategies that address high rates of depression, anxiety and isolation amongst seniors. PEAS services are available in English and Spanish and help to ensure that older adults struggling with mental health difficulties will get the intervention they need to avoid a crisis.
Provided through the Solano County Division of Mental Health with funds from Proposition 63, the Mental Health Services Act, the PEAS program serves older adults of any income level who agree to participate in the program. We also provide community awareness and education on older adult mental health and suicide-prevention.
Mental health is essential to overall well-being, and approximately 20% of older adults experience some type of mental health concern. Depression and anxiety are the most prevalent, and older men have the highest suicide rate of any age group. While depression is not a normal part of aging, the Centers for Disease Control state that mental health issues are widely underdiagnosed in older adults and are often undertreated or untreated altogether.
The Prevention and Early Access for Seniors (PEAS) program is a mental health case management program that identifies adults 60+ in Solano County who are struggling to maintain a positive quality of life. The program provides intake, assessment, referral, brief and comprehensive case management, housing and transportation resources and other services aimed at improving quality of life. It also conducts education and outreach activities for both professionals and the community, focusing on universal prevention strategies that address high rates of depression, anxiety and isolation amongst seniors. PEAS services are available in English and Spanish and help to ensure that older adults struggling with mental health difficulties will get the intervention they need to avoid a crisis.
Provided through the Solano County Division of Mental Health with funds from Proposition 63, the Mental Health Services Act, the PEAS program serves older adults of any income level who agree to participate in the program. We also provide community awareness and education on older adult mental health and suicide-prevention.
1261 Travis Boulevard, Suite 210
Fairfield, CA 94533
Serving Solano County
The program is available to those who: are 60+, live in Solano County, have any level of income, a desire to participate in the program, and mild to moderate mental health support needs or are at risk of mental health decline.
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