Features & Benefits
Case Management & Brief Interventions
- Comprehensive psycho-social assessment
- Whole person health and wellness resources
- Other assessments directed toward understanding the client as a whole
- Primary care and other healthcare specialists
- Eligibility and application help with community programs
- Housing resources
- Transportation resources
- Socialization connections (e.g., senior centers, libraries, volunteering, etc.)
- Other resources to assist in improving quality of life
Short-Term Mental Health Counseling
- Community-based psychotherapy for mild to moderate mental health needs
Education & Outreach Program
- Gatekeeper community education; recognize signs a person may be experiencing mental health challenges and learn how to access support
- Professional mental health education with older adult considerations
- Stigma reduction outreach and Mental Health First Aid training
- Suicide prevention education; safeTALK and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
All services are offered in English and Spanish.