Vice President of the Aging in Place Campus
Mike joined Choice in Aging in 2021 to help the fundraising and development of the Aging in Place Campus. After many overlapping career stops as a high school teacher & coach, the YMCA of the USA, Irvin Deutscher Family YMCA, San Francisco Giants, and Waterlogic International.
Mike also serves as an elected Trustee on the Contra Costa County Board of Education, and volunteers on the local boards of Youth Homes; the Pleasant Hill YMCA; and the Diablo Valley College Alumni Association Advisory Committee. Mike is a Pleasant Hill Rotarian, and Lead Usher at Community Presbyterian Church in Danville, where he attends and serves with his wife Shari. He has 1 (step) son Danny, who is now attending college in Denton TX after serving 6 years in the U.S. Navy.
Mike enjoys playing golf (with Shari!), travelling, spending time with friends and family, competitive barbecuing and serving in the communities we live and work in.
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